Copper! I finally decided to get copper pipes to both overcome the stability problems I had been facing and to look more pleasing and professional. I bought a pipe cutter to segment it which perfectly cut the pipes without producing burs that would have made it difficult to attach the end feeds.
As photographed I initially placed it in the front room of the show space, It was then moved into the back room which I think suits it much better as the copper stands out more when backed by a grey wall instead of pink. I also have a whole corner and thus do not have to worry about blocking the view of others work which I was very concerned about. When next to a wall, I also have the opportunity to display a photograph next to the piece, which I had been thinking about. I will put up the photograph below of a parliamentary building in Berlin, with architecture that exhibits strong metaphors of transparency in an attempt to overcome the issue that government buildings inevitably separate officials from the public that they serve.
I plan to print it quite small (perhaps 8 by 6 inches) and in black and white with a thin white border to offset it against the very large, colourful structure. I will see if this looks coherent with the piece - I hope that it will really add to it and make its concept and much clearer to the viewer.