
Deciding Final Structure - Plans

Rough notes deciding frame layout - from top to bottom - earliest to latest including final design and decided colour scheme (latter two). 
Initially I was planning to construct a frame that would comprise of a series of interconnected cubes, however I thought that this design was too literal and recognisable and when I asked people to stand in a mockup cube I had created their responses proved this. Their choice of words related strongly to current architecture such as 'rooms' and 'interior' whereas I wanted to place more of a focus on space, metaphor and potential. I therefore went on to develop the design towards a less explicit and recognisable arrangement. As a result I hoped to shift the emphasis of the piece and attention of the viewer towards the idea of division, obstruction and boundaries, (and away from specific personal space). I think that this change has worked, based on the way people have been interacting with the frame while I have been building it. They seem to look at the structure more in terms of its interaction with the space; walking through it in its different possibilities and gathering a larger view of the piece (and hopefully a larger view of its intentions) instead of getting caught up in the idea of sectioning themselves off. I am therefore satisfied with my final structural design.