^ Above - images of the final piece in construction. I erected the central core of the structure first - Glueing all the joints in place with 'liquid metal' glue that I got from Halfords. >
I then glued the two horizontal attachments, but leaving free one joint each so I could detach these extra legs to add the final two curtains when they were ready.
The structure (although not wobble free) is much more stable after the glueing which I am relieved about, however I think that if I was to produce it again or something similar I would have to give greater thought to this aspect so that it can be a truly interactive and high quality piece.
The last image shows a tryout of the photograph with the structure. I really thought that this would work however in practise I think that it looks like a very last minute and unnecessary addition. I thought that it would make the context of the piece clearer, however I think that the title, which I decided would be the title from the essay by Mark Fenster, which greatly influenced the piece - Seeing the State: Transparency as Metaphor - was enough to this. I believe that the piece will look stronger as it is.