This is an important post from my archive that sums up identified areas of interest for me in this final major project >
I think, adversely, as it is the least directly 'domestic' piece - Anthony McCall's 'line Describing a Cone', is the influence that gives me the most insight into and clarification of my ideas and work so far. Following are aspects of his work that i am very interested in I think link with my previous and/or where i wish to take it:
- you may approach his sculpture as an onlooker and participant - viewing how others interact with the piece and dealing with it yourself - in both cases you may observe directly and indirectly how the piece is altered by the person and visa versa. Both the nature of the piece and person are interlinked and determine each other.
- It feels like a very private and intimate space when inside the sculpture but its setting is extremely public
- The temporal nature of space
- Dealing with the domestic everyday in a way that strips it of its function and familiarity
It is these aspects of the domestic that I wish to focus on with more awareness and clarity as I now proceed with my work.