
Plumbing Frame - 1*

First experiment with plumbing materials. Simple frame made using plastic pipes and copper joints. 
I am so pleased with the joints, I think that they are really beautiful and simple and the metal makes the frame look more substantial. 
The frame did not stand up by itself, hopefully it will if I attach more sections to it. I will also have to glue the pipes into their joints for the final piece so it does not shift and sway. I might also try to put some wood down the centre of the plastic pipes for rigidity. Cutting down the long lengths pipes and re-joining the shorter pieces with metal connectors may also help with solidity.
[The curtains used here are old ones that I made about a year ago, just used to see what it might look like - I think that I will have to look into proper curtain headings and techniques to avoid looking like  a medical screen and instead suggesting the domestic.