^Top - screen shot of notes page on my laptop where I quickly wrote down my idea. >
Moveable mechanisms for division of public space. Possibly curtains on pulley systems of frames on wheels.
The idea of subjectivity and interaction has been important to my thinking on this project and this idea is a response to this. Through movement of frames or fabric the divisions and space can be altered by the audience and therefore the piece will exist in an ever evolving and responsive form, which I believe could successfully reflect the dynamic of the split between private and public.
I decided to go forward first with the frame idea as I thought that it could be the most effective.
I tried to make a frame out of wood but I very limited experience and practical skill with drills, screws etc. and after having only managed to join two pieces of wood together after over two hours of work, I took a step back and decided that wood was not the right material for me use here.
Aside from my issues with the tools I think that the use of wood would not contribute anything to the piece; in-fact I think it would detract from it, as it would stand out as the most basic and cost effective solution, at odds with the materials associated with my line of exploration.
I therefore need to do some research into different, more appropriate materials.